Monday, February 21, 2011

(the real) Thing 7

Commenting is not my favorite thing to do pertaining to blogging.  Wait, let me rephrase that-I do not like to comment but I love it when others do it. J  I don’t think it is some deep seated feeling that my opinion doesn’t count, but that I don’t want to look like a fool.  After reading the Cool Cat Teacher Blog I feel a bit more comfortable in “letting go”.  Another problem I have in commenting: over stimulation.  Every time I sit down to complete thing 7 I can’t stop reading!  I am like a kid in a candy store and want to keep going back for more!  Lol  I started thing 7 (for the 5th time) today at 6:00.  It is now 9:30.  I still haven’t graded papers, finished my lesson plans for next week, cleaned my kitchen, or gotten anything else done because I have been engrossed in reading all my blogs and trying to comment effectively!